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MPT Corona Virus Notice

29 Mar 2020 by Ted Morley

MPT has been working with local and federal health officials to maintain critical operations for as long as it has been safe to do so. Reducing class size, employing hospital grade disinfectants and electrostatic fogging technology, and enhanced personal hygiene protocols to help keep our staff and clients safe in order to pursue their professional goals.
As we watch the progression of the coronavirus around the world, there reaches a moment where everyone must employ all possible measures to stop the halt of the virus and reduce the number of infected people. We, as a company, have reached that moment- we feel the best course of action is to close our facilities and allow our staff to shelter in place at their homes. I encourage you to consider doing the same. Even if you don’t have the symptoms you can still be infected and be a carrier. We all have people in our lives that are in the “at risk” categories; consider their safety and as a country, let’s work together to not only flatten the curve but lower the number of infections.
MPT will cease normal operations effective 5pm Friday, March 27,2020. Our plan is to shut down all operations for a period of one week and will evaluate the situation after that; decisions to extend the shut down further will depend on local actions and the public health needs. There are a lot of factors that went into this decision and it was not made lightly. The impact on our company, our staff, and on our clients will be difficult and sacrifices will have to be made. MPT is working with federal regulators and will be employing distance learning technology to keep our clients on their path of professional development. We will post to our website and make an email broadcast with details on those courses. MPT has been a resource for the maritime industry for over 37 years, we are committed to being part of the solution and helping to get people back to work as quickly as possible in this vital industry.
We are in difficult times and find ourselves in uncharted waters, we will proceed with caution and navigate them as any prudent mariner would. We as a country, and we as a company, will find a solution and work through these incredibly difficult times.
Albert Camus once said, “In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” Winter doesn’t last forever, and spring always follows. We as a country, as a community, and as a company will spring back from this. Have faith, please stay safe, take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Ted Morley
Chief Operations Officer
+1 954 525-1014