Radar Refresher
Course 157

This 3 day course is available as an alternative to the 1 day Recertification course for those candidates who need a more in depth refresher of radar prior to renewal. A radar renewal or recertification course is required to be taken at least every five years for all deck officers to renew the radar endorsement on their license.

Preparing for Radar Refresher

Course Description

Radar Refresher Renewal - Course #157
This 3 day course is available as an alternative to the 1 day Recertification course for those candidates who need a more in depth refresher of radar prior to renewal. A radar renewal or recertification course is required to be taken at least every five years for all deck officers to renew the radar endorsement on their license. This course utilizes the MPT SMART TM Simulation Center. Trainees use commercial Radar Equipment and Ship Simulators with landmasses, environmental effects and vessel returns. If you have not taken the ARPA Course, we recommend taking the ARPA course as an alternative to the 3 day refresher or 1 day recertification course.
Subjects Include:
Radar Fundamentals
Radar Transfer Plotting
Rapid Radar Plotting Techniques

Any applicant who successfully completes the Radar Observer Refresher course will satisfy the training requirements of 46 CFR 11 .480(f) for maintaining the validity of an endorsement as Radar Observer and the radar training requirements of Section A-II/1 and Table A-II/1 of the STCW Code, as amended 2010 for certification as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on vessels of 500 or more gross tonnage (ITC).  


previously taken USCG approved radar unlimited course

3 day class in Fort Lauderdale

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Required Materials

PASSPORT for ID, Paper, Pencil, Pen, Highlighter (and proof of old radar for radar recert)


Course Photos



Everything was excellent . Scott Field did an excellent job as instructor. I will back to you school for all of my future classes. James
James, Wednesday August 2021
Radar Refresher
It has been 16 years since my original studies at MPT, The school and and all staff are amazing as were years ago, this school is top notch, I wouldn’t go anywhere else. Thank you!
Christian, Wednesday June 2021
Radar Refresher