Deck Officer Examination Prep
Course 225

Satisfy your need to prepare for your Deck Officer exam! Learn all details of the major examination modules you will be subject to with a focus on Navigation General, Deck General, Deck Safety, Rules of the Road. Contact the Student Services Office for availability.

Preparing for Deck Officer Examination Prep

Course Description

Candidates enrolling in this course should be preparing to take examinations for the following USCG Licenses:

  • Second Mate/Third Mate Oceans or Near Coastal of Unlimited Tonnage (ONC02) Master Oceans or Near Coastal of Less than 500-1600 Gross Registered Tons (ONC03)
  • Mate Oceans or Near Coastal of Less than 500-1600 Gross Registered Tons (ONC04)
  • Master Oceans or Near Coastal - Uninspected Fishing Industry Vessels (UFV01)
  • Mate Oceans or Near Coastal - Uninspected Fishing Industry Vessels (UFV02)
  • Master/Chief Mate Oceans or Near Coastal - Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV01)
  • Mate Oceans or Near Coastal - Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV02)
  • Master Great Lakes and Inland of Unlimited Tonnage (GLI01)
  • Mate Great Lakes and Inland of Unlimited Tonnage (GLI02)
  • Master Great Lakes and Inland of Less than 500-1600 Gross Registered Tons (GLI03)
  • Mate Great Lakes and Inland of Less than 500-1600 Gross Registered Tons (GLI04)
  • Master of Towing Vessels / Mate (Pilot) of Towing Vessels / Apprentice Mate of Towing Vessels Oceans/Near Coastal (TV01)
  • Master of Towing Vessels / Mate (Pilot) of Towing Vessels / Apprentice Mate of Towing Vessels Great Lakes and Inland (TV02)

This course is a review of the types of questions and problems that will be on the USCG exams. This course is led by an Instructor who will review what is on the test and how to be completely prepared for success on the exam. With your instructor and a total of 10 class days - this 2 week course will review the subjects on the examinations. While there are no prerequisites, ideally - course #225 should not be undertaken until the candidate has completed all/most required training courses for the raise in grade and are preparing to take the written examinations shortly thereafter.

Candidates wishing to test shortly after the course should apply to the USCG in advance and receive their ATT (approval to test) letter from the National Maritime Center and call to set up testing dates at the REC. The closest REC to MPT is in Miami but you can test at any USCG REC once approved.

You may be subject to additional exam modules such as:

  • Navigation Problems: Chart Plot
  • Navigation Problems: Near Coastal
  • Deck Safety: Stability Problems

If you would like MPT to assist you with examination prep for those additional modules, please see Student Services about enrolling in MPT’s Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation and/or Stability & Ship's Construction course, respectively.

10 day class in Fort Lauderdale

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Required Materials

• American Practical Navigator, Volume II 1981, 2019, or 2024 edition • Reprints from the Light Lists & Coast Pilots • Reprints from the Tide Tables & Tidal Current Tables • Stability Data Reference Book • Pencil/Pen/Highlighter • Scientific Calculator (TI-30Xa) ***HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Access to a test prep software such as LAPWARE for self-study on at night and weekends.