Class 017993 for
Proficiency In Survival Craft and Rescue Boats/ Lifeboatman (PSCRB)
Course 146

The (PSCRB) Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats course gives seafarers who are required to take charge of a survival craft or a rescue boat (other than fast rescue boats) in emergency situations the essential education and training to meet the regulatory standards for the tasks required. USCG approved. Please note that current Basic Training as well as 6 months of sea service are prerequisites for this course.

Preparing for Class 017993

4 day class in Fort Lauderdale

Class Starts Mon 08 Nov 2021 9:00 AM
Class Ends Thu 11 Nov 2021 5:00 AM
Price $ 999.00 USD

Course Details

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Required Materials

Photo ID, Paper, Pencil, Pen, Highlighters, Bathing Suit / Shorts, sunscreen, hat, and towel Candidates taking this course are required to bring the following clothing for the practical lifeboat launching assessments: Long pants and closed toed shoes. MPT will provide the use of a work vest, hard hat, gloves, and eye protection or you can bring your own.