License Upgrade & Advancement Tutoring
Course 215

MPT is the most complete full service private maritime school in the country and has been training mariners since 1983. Our Fort Lauderdale based campuses host over 45,000 square feet of classrooms, deck and engineering training labs, the Ship's Store, and student service facilities.

Preparing for License Upgrade & Advancement Tutoring

Course Description

LICENSE UPGRADE/ADVANCEMENT TUTORING: This tutoring is designed to fine tune your skills and is recommended for individuals who have already taken the Deck Officer Prep Course #200 or Chief Mate / Master LAP Exam Prep Course #625 or a similar course or candidates who have done extensive self study and are preparing for their written examinations at the USCG REC for Master/Mate of over 500-1600-3000-3rd/2nd mate or Chief Mate/Master Unlimited.

5 day class in Fort Lauderdale

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Required Materials

Deck Officer Student Manuals Plotting Tools Charts Calculator Lap Top (PC Based) recommended