Onboard Firefighting Training, Drills & Crew Preparedness Course
Course 945

MPT is the most complete full service private maritime school in the country and has been training mariners since 1983. Our Fort Lauderdale based campuses host over 45,000 square feet of classrooms, deck and engineering training labs, the Ship's Store, and student service facilities.

Course Description

This course is designed to provide an opportunity to for a vessels crew to refresh on their fire related safety drills, practice emergency response scenarios onboard, familiarize themselves with proper procedures for that vessel, special considerations for the vessel, its station bill and available equipment and the number and type of trained crew. MPT will send one or more shipboard firefighting specialists onboard anywhere in the world! The number of instructors depends on the size of the vessel and the size of the crew to participate in this training. Recommended time frame is 1-3 days depending on the scope of training and drills to be conducted. All or most of the crew should be available to take part in this program and to be prepared for the real thing. If you can imagine that all of your crew have trained at different schools, at different times and if an emergency happens, they will need to respond as a cohesive unit to be effective and to save lives and possibly the entire boat. We will prepare them in a way that cannot be accomplished in any other environment than the real world. Many vessels find this so effective that they incorporate it into their ISM SMS and have our team return every year for the drills and to ensure that all new crewmembers are up to the task. It is recommended that all participating crew have undertaken the Basic Fire Course or the Advanced Fire Course previously. This is a perfect opportunity to add on a total emergency preparedness training package to your onboard training schedule. It is quite common during or after a fire to have resulting collateral emergencies such as medical injuries, burns, possibly helicopter evacuations or abandon ship procedures. MPT can assist with this onboard training at the same time or during additional days as needed. Ask your MPT training specialist for more information when setting up this course.

3 day class in Fort Lauderdale