This is a one day course that is USCG Approved to satisfy the Navigation and Deck General Written Examination Requirement for Masters 500-1600 ton near coastal mariners who are increasing their scope to an oceans route.
Course Content: This training course will provide the following subject areas:
Section 1: Deck and Navigation General, Buoyage Systems IALA “A”, Lateral Buoys, Junction/Bifurcation, Buoys/IALA Cardinal Buoys, Isolated Danger Buoys, Charts, Tides & Currents, Publications, Basic Ship Handling, and Piloting/Passage Plans.
Section 2: Deck and Navigation General, Maritime Law, Manning Regulations
Including Articles, Wages/Allotments, Slop Chest Items, Desertion, Repatriation, and Familiarization Training requirements.
Section 3: Ships Business and Documents, International Certificates, Load Lines, CFR’s, Crew List, Muster List, Suspension/Revocation, Surrender of License, Documents, Unseawothiness of Vessel, Cargo, And Crew/Barratry, and Voyage Planning.