Class 016785 for
FCC Marine Radio Operator Course and Exam MROP
Course 130

This 3–4 hour course is generally offered as an evening seminar which includes an explanation and review of the operating procedures and regulations pertaining to radio usage. It is valid for Single Side Band and VHF Use. Included in the course is the written examination for the FCC Element One which licenses you as a Marine Radio Operator. MPT will provide all of information to you in order to process your FCC Paperwork. The FCC will email you within approximately two weeks of your application to them after finishing the course. Please note that you MUST apply to the FCC directly in order to obtain the license. The FCC charges a nominal fee for this service.

Preparing for Class 016785

1 day class in Fort Lauderdale

Class Starts Mon 26 Apr 2021 4:00 PM
Class Ends Mon 26 Apr 2021 8:00 PM
Price $ 199.00 USD

Course Details

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