Satisfy your need to prepare for your Chief Mate or Master's exam! Learn all details of the major examination modules you will be subject to with a focus on Navigation Problems: Near-Coastal, Navigation Problems: Oceans, Deck Safety: Stability; Navigation Problems: Chart Plot. Contact the Student Services Office for availability.
Class Starts | Tue 01 Jun 2021 | 8:00 AM |
Class Ends | Sat 12 Jun 2021 | 4:00 PM |
Price | $ 2999.00 USD | |
Passport or National ID, Pencil Chief Mate / Master Prep Course 625: Class Materials List (updated 2016) 2 Weeks of Class - Monday - Saturday Stability Reference Book (with the blue, white & salmon colored pages) Triangles (or parallel rules if preferred) Dividers Stability and Trim for the Ships Officer (helpful reference book, optional – we may have loaners) Rules of the Road Book Starfinder USCG Training Charts HO 229 - Vol 2 Universal Plotting Sheets Maneuvering Boards Bowditch Nautical Almanac Coast Pilot & Light List Reprints Tide & Tidal Current Table Reprints Scientific calculator (TI 30x style or equivalent – non programmable) We also recommend a quizzing software program such as Hawsepiper or a subscription to Lapware for extra study and preparation of Q & A. All of the above can be purchased in the ships store if needed.